Can I embed the IdeaOnce design editor into my website or portal?

You have a website and you want to be able to design graphics. You need a graphic design editor that is white label, so it can be embedded into your website or platform. IdeaOnce is for you!

How to Use?

Step 1: Generate the embed code:

  1. Log in to the IdeaOnce application in your favorite web browser.

  2. Go to Profile > Generate Api Key > Generate the code > Customize the editor's look and feel to match your design.

  3. Copy the code and paste it into your website.

  4. We obtain the website name where you embed the code for the first time. That means generated code can't be used on more than one website at a time. If you need to do this generate another API key and reconfigure the editor.

Step 2: Copy the code and paste it into your website.

Here are a few features of IdeaOnce:

100% Free - No monthly fees or hidden costs.

Your & Yours Alone - Your IdeaOnce code is completely unique and yours alone, no one else can use it.

Minimalistic Design - Clean and lightweight design feels right at home on any website.

All IdeaOnce Features - You will be able to use every feature we have mentioned here

Download in Multiple Formats - PNG, JPEG, WEBP, TRANSPARENT IMAGES, SVGs, and PDFs.

Support - We pride ourselves on our commitment to high-quality support. We understand our customer's needs and we're quick to respond. Friendly support, and answers within the hour.

Clean and clear user interface.

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You can see the working demo at White label graphic design software

Can I embed the IdeaOnce design editor into my website or portal?

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